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Branson Festivals Throughout the Year

person playing a violin

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, my friends. Thanksgiving has arrived, Christmas is right around the corner, and now is the time to enjoy our city’s holiday festivities. To get your yearly dose of Christmas joy, be sure to visit the Old Time Christmas festival at Silver Dollar City. And don’t forget to stop by Branson Landing, which transforms into Winter Wonderlanding each November. Although the Christmas season ushers in some of the city’s best events, Branson festivals occur throughout the year to great fanfare. To help you make the most of these festivities and decide when to plan your next trip, today we’ve compiled a list of top-notch Branson festivals.

Branson Festivals

Season by Season


An Old Time Christmas at Silver Dollar City (November – December): Named one of the top places “to light up the holidays” by Good Morning America, Silver Dollar City’s Old Time Christmas offers nearly everything you could want in a holiday-themed festival: lights, a parade, Santa, shops, themed trees, Christmas decor, and holiday treats like wassail and hot apple dumplings. It simply wouldn’t be Christmas without a day at Silver Dollar City.

Ozark Mountain Christmas Lights & Village (November – December): This event includes a 1.5-mile light display, horse-drawn carriage rides, and a tent filled with crafts and treats. Be sure to check out the “North Pole Express” train ride and “Selfies with Santa.”

Festival of Lights (November – December): Drive through more than 15 miles of sparkling holiday lights at this classic holiday display.

Winter Wonderlanding at Branson Landing (November – December): Every year Branson’s favorite shopping and restaurant district celebrates the holiday season with Christmas lights, decorations, and a 50-foot Christmas tree. Check out the “Most Wonderful Time of Year” holiday parade, and be sure to stop by while Santa’s in the Christmas Tree House.


The Festival of Wonder at Silver Dollar City (April): Replacing World-Fest, the Festival of Wonder will premiere this coming spring. The stages of the theme park will be filled with amazing entertainment, from tight-rope walkers to acrobats to the world’s longest playable stringed instrument. Wowza!

Branson Elvis Festival (April): Held each year at Dick Clark’s American Bandstand Theater, this rock ‘n roll festival includes a “vendor village,” meet and greet dinner, and karaoke nights. Be sure to check out the highlight of the festival: the tribute competition. This is one of the few Elvis tribute competitions approved by Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc.

Ozark Mountain Shindig Festival (April – May): This free music festival features numerous live shows with local musical talent. It is undoubtedly one of the top Branson festivals for music lovers and musicians.

Bluegrass and BBQ at Silver Dollar City (May): Attracting some of the top musicians in the country, Bluegrass and BBQ combines two excellent southern traditions: soulful bluegrass music and mouthwatering BBQ.


Star-Spangled Summer at Silver Dollar City (June – July): When Silver Dollar City is bedecked with stars and stripes, you know it’s time to celebrate our nation’s birthday. Be sure to check out the Harlem Globetrotters’ performance and your children’s favorite cartoon characters.

4th of July Fireworks Shows (July): Branson celebrates the 4th of July with a variety of fireworks shows and live entertainment. For example, you may want to check out Liberty Light Up at Branson Landing, Kimberling City’s Fireburst, or the Rockaway Beach 4th of July celebration. For more information, check out this previous blog post.

Moonlight Madness at Silver Dollar City (July): For two short weeks in the middle of summer, Silver Dollar City extends its ride time until 10pm. Plus, there are firework displays and nightly street dances.

Branson Fiddle Festival (August): Presented by Grand Country, the Annual Fiddle Festival is a three-day fiddling contest for musicians of all ages. It takes places at Grand Country, a fantastic family destination with live shows, indoor mini golf, arcade games, and more.

Super Summer Cruise (August): If you love vintage automobiles, head to the Shepherd of the Hills Historic Homestead in August. This showcase and contest attracts numerous notable cars, including models from the 50s and 60s, 30s Fords, new Corvettes, and custom pick-up trucks.

Southern Gospel Picnic at Silver Dollar City (August – September): Celebrating traditional music of the Ozarks, the Southern Gospel Picnic is one of America’s largest events celebrating gospel music. You can also enjoy southern cuisine at the festival with fried chicken and all the “fixin’s.”


Autumn Daze (September): Filling the streets of historic downtown Branson, Autumn Daze hosts local vendors and artisans. Stop by during the three days of this fall fest to enjoy live entertainment, purchase crafts, and dine on delicious food.

National Harvest & Cowboy Festival (September – October): Featuring more than 125 talented craftsmen, wild mustangs, an old-fashioned barn dance, and cowboy poetry, this festival brings a unique western flavor to the traditional fall festival.

Veterans Week (November): Although Branson cherishes our country’s veterans year-round, we make a special point of celebrating them during the week of Veterans Day. There are concerts, luncheons, balls, reunions, galas, a parade, and much more.


Which festival strikes your fancy? The dates of these Branson festivals vary from year to year, so do a little research before marking your calendar. Once you decide when to visit, be sure to check out Branson Vacation Rentals. Our cabins and cottages are perfect for a fun family trip, a romantic getaway, or a relaxing weekend with friends. Browse our cabins, condos, villas, and cottages, or give us a call at 417-832-9991 to learn more.